< prev
Assembly Source File
822 lines
EXTRN get_sector:far
EXTRN set_sector:far
mes0 db ' Name Ext Attr Status '
mes1 db ' Label $'
mes2 db ' SubDir$'
mes3 db ' $'
mes4 db ' Erased$'
mes5 db 'Input first letter:$'
mes6 db 'Recovered succesfuly$'
mes7 db 'Can not been recovered$'
mes8 db ' $'
mes9 db 'Input drive letter:$'
buffer1 db 1024 dup(?)
buffer2 db 1024 dup(?)
buffer3 db ' '
startfat dw ? ; Starting sector of the FAT
endfat dw ? ; Ending sector of the FAT
lengthfat dw ? ; Length of the FAT
fatcnt db ? ; The number of the FATs
fattype db ? ; Type of the FAT
fatpersect dw ? ; the number of FAT's entries per sector
localfatptr dw ? ; Pointer to the FAT's entry
fatsector dw ? ; FAT's sector
fatpreventry dw ? ; Previous entry of the FAT
fatprevsect dw ? ; Previousely read FAT's sector
startroot dd ? ; Starting sector of the root
endroot dd ? ; Ending sector of the root
lengthroot dw ? ; Length of the root
rootpersect dw ? ; The number of the root's entries in a sector
rootsector dd ? ; Already read sector of the root
localrootptr dw ? ; Pointer to the root's entry
DRIVENUM dw ? ; Drive number
sectorsize dw ? ; Size of the sector
clustsize dw ? ; Cluster size
startdata dd ? ; Begining sector of the data
rootentry dw ? ; Offset to the current unerasing file in root
startclust dw ? ; Starting cluster of the file
fileatrib db ? ; File's atribute
filesize dw ? ; File size in clusters
firstchar db '$'
xcur db ?
ycur db ?
; int25h packet
i25startsec dd ?
i25seccnt dw ?
i25off dw ?
i25seg dw ?
mov bx,sp ; Free memory
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl
inc bx
mov ax,ss
add bx,ax
mov ax,es
sub bx,ax
mov ah,4ah
int 21h
jnc @@unerase_010
jmp @@unerase_exit
@@unerase_010: mov ax,@DATA
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0600h ; Clear screen
xor cx,cx
mov dh,24
mov dl,79
mov bh,7
int 10h
call getdrive ; Get drive letter
call initdata ; Initialize data
cmp ax,-1
je @@unerase_exit
@@unerase_020: call screenmenu
cmp ax,1
je @@unerase_exit
call enterchar
call unerase
call message
jmp short @@unerase_020
@@unerase_exit: mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
unerase PROC C NEAR
USES bx,cx,dx,di,es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov fatprevsect,-1
mov bx,startclust
call getfatentry
cmp ax,0
je @@uner_010
mov ax,-1 ; File can not be recovered
@@uner_010: mov bx,rootentry
mov al,firstchar
mov byte ptr ds:[bx],al
lea ax,buffer1
call FAR PTR set_sector C,DRIVENUM,rootsector,ax,ds,1
mov al,fileatrib ; SubDir
test al,10h
je @@uner_020
inc word ptr filesize
mov cx,filesize ; File size in clusters
cmp cx,0 ; File have 0 bytes length
jne @@uner_030
xor ax,ax
@@uner_030: dec cx
; Unerasing loop.
mov bx,startclust ; Starting cluster
mov fatpreventry,bx
@@uner_050: call getfatentry ; Return the FAT's entry in AX, load
; the next sector of the FAT if it
; unnecessary. DX=-1 if end of the FAT
cmp ax,0 ; Free entry
je @@uner_060
inc bx ; Next cluster
jmp short @@uner_050
@@uner_060: cmp cx,0
je @@uner_070
mov ax,fatpreventry
call setfatentry C,0,ax,bx ; Set next cluster in chain
mov fatpreventry,bx
inc bx
dec cx
jmp short @@uner_050
@@uner_070: mov ax,fatpreventry
call setfatentry C,0,ax,bx
call setfatentry C,1,bx,0 ; Last cluster in chain
xor ax,ax
getfatentry PROC
push di
push cx
mov al,fattype
cmp al,12
jne @@getfat_001
xor edx,edx
mov ax,bx ; 12-bit FAT
mov dx,bx
shr dx,1
add edx,eax
jmp short @@getfat_002
xor edx,edx
mov dx,bx ; 16-bit FAT
shl edx,1
@@getfat_002: push edx
mov ax,dx
shr edx,16
mov cx,sectorsize
div cx
mov di,ax
xor dx,dx
mul cx
shl edx,16
or eax,edx
pop edx
sub edx,eax
mov localfatptr,dx
cmp di,endfat ; End of FAT
je @@getfat_040
cmp di,fatprevsect ; Check for reading from disk
je @@getfat_010
cmp fatprevsect,-1 ; First read
jne @@getfat_005
mov fatprevsect,di
jmp short @@getfat_008
@@getfat_005: ; Save previous sector
xor edx,edx
mov dx,fatprevsect
add dx,startfat
mov fatprevsect,di ; Save sector to the FAT
lea di,buffer2
call set_sector C,DRIVENUM,edx,di,ds,1
@@getfat_008: ; Read next sector
xor edx,edx
mov dx,fatprevsect ; Load 2 sectors from the FAT
add dx,startfat
lea di,buffer2
call get_sector C,DRIVENUM,edx,di,ds,2
@@getfat_010: lea di,buffer2
add di,localfatptr ; Get FAT's entry
mov ax,word ptr es:[di]
mov cl,fattype ; Check FAT type
cmp cl,12
jne @@getfat_030
test bx,1 ; 12-bit FAT
jnz @@getfat_020
and ax,0000111111111111b
jmp short @@getfat_030
@@getfat_020: mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
@@getfat_030: xor dx,dx
pop cx
pop di
@@getfat_040: mov dx,-1
pop cx
pop di
getfatentry ENDP
setfatentry PROC C NEAR
ARG entrytype:word,entrynum:word,nextentry:word
USES bx,cx,di
mov bx,entrynum
mov al,fattype
cmp al,12
jne @@setfat_001
xor edx,edx
xor eax,eax
mov ax,bx ; 12-bit FAT
mov dx,bx
shr edx,1
add edx,eax
jmp short @@setfat_002
mov ax,bx ; 16-bit FAT
movzx edx,bx
shl edx,1
push edx
mov ax,dx
shr edx,16
mov cx,sectorsize
div cx
xor dx,dx
mul cx
shl edx,16
or eax,edx
pop edx
sub edx,eax
mov localfatptr,dx
lea di,buffer2
add di,localfatptr ; Get FAT's entry
cmp entrytype,0
je @@setfat_030
mov ax,0ffffh ; Last chain
mov cl,fattype ; Check FAT's type
cmp cl,12
jne @@setfat_015
test bx,1 ; 12-bit FAT
jnz @@setfat_010
and ax,0000111111111111b
or word ptr ds:[di],ax
jmp short @@setfat_020
@@setfat_010: mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
@@setfat_015: or word ptr ds:[di],ax
@@setfat_020: xor edx,edx
mov dx,fatprevsect ; Write sector
add dx,startfat
lea di,buffer2
call set_sector C,DRIVENUM,edx,di,ds,1
jmp @@setfat_050
@@setfat_030: mov ax,nextentry ; Next chain
mov cl,fattype ; Check FAT's type
cmp cl,12
jne @@setfat_060
test bx,1 ; 12-bit FAT
jnz @@setfat_040
and ax,0000111111111111b
and word ptr ds:[di],1111000000000000b
or word ptr ds:[di],ax
jmp short @@setfat_050
@@setfat_040: mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
and word ptr ds:[di],0000000000001111b
or word ptr ds:[di],ax
@@setfat_050: ret
@@setfat_060: mov word ptr ds:[di],ax ; 16-bit FAT
setfatentry ENDP
unerase ENDP
initdata PROC C NEAR
USES bx,cx,dx,di,si
mov cx,1
xor dx,dx
lea bx,buffer1
int 25h
pop dx
jnc @@init_000
mov word ptr i25startsec,0
mov word ptr i25startsec+2,0
mov i25seccnt,1
lea ax,buffer1
mov i25off,ax
mov i25seg,ds
mov cx,0ffffh
lea bx,i25startsec
int 25h
pop dx
jc @@init_err
@@init_000: lea bx,buffer1
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+0bh]
mov sectorsize,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx+0dh]
xor ah,ah
mov clustsize,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+0eh]
mov startfat,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx+10h]
mov fatcnt,al
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+11h]
mov lengthroot,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+13h] ; Calculating the type of the
cmp ax,0
je @@init_005
xor dx,dx
mov cx,clustsize
div cx
mov cl,12
cmp ax,0ff6h
jbe @@init_010
@@init_005: mov cl,16
@@init_010: mov fattype,cl
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+16h]
mov lengthfat,ax
add ax,startfat
mov endfat,ax
mov ax,sectorsize ; Calculating the number of the FAT's
; entries per sector
mov cx,8
mul cx
mov cl,fattype
xor ch,ch
div cx
cmp dx,0
je @@init_020
inc ax
@@init_020: mov fatpersect,ax
mov ax,lengthfat ; Calculating the begin
; sector of the ROOT
mov cl,fatcnt
xor ch,ch
mul cx
add ax,startfat
mov word ptr startroot,ax
mov word ptr startroot+2,0
mov word ptr rootsector,ax
mov word ptr rootsector+2,0
mov word ptr startdata,ax
mov word ptr startdata+2,0
mov ax,sectorsize ; Calculating the number of the root
; entries per sector
mov cx,32
div cx
mov rootpersect,ax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,lengthroot ; Calculating the ending root's sector
mov cx,32
mul cx
mov cx,sectorsize
div cx
cmp dx,0
je @@init_030
inc ax
@@init_030: mov endroot,eax
add startdata,eax
mov localfatptr,0
mov localrootptr,0
xor ax,ax
@@init_err: mov ax,-1
initdata ENDP
screenmenu PROC C NEAR
USES bx,cx,dx,bp,es
; Return AX=: 1 - exit, 0 - unerase data prepared.
@@scr_000: mov xcur,1
mov ycur,1
lea bx,buffer1
call FAR PTR get_sector C,DRIVENUM,rootsector,bx,ds,1
; Display files
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov ax,1300h
mov bx,63
mov cx,29
xor dx,dx
lea bp,mes0
int 10h
lea bp,buffer1
mov cx,rootpersect
mov bx,7
mov dh,1
@@scr_010: push cx
mov al,byte ptr es:[bp]
cmp al,0
jne @@scr_0101
push bp
lea bp,buffer3
mov dl,xcur
mov ax,1301h
mov cx,30
int 10h
pop bp
jmp short @@scr_017
; Print the name
@@scr_0101: mov dl,xcur
mov ax,1301h
mov cx,11
int 10h
push dx
mov ah,9
mov al,byte ptr es:[bp+0bh]
cmp al,8
jne @@scr_011
lea dx,mes1
jmp short @@scr_013
@@scr_011: test al,10h
je @@scr_012
lea dx,mes2
jmp short @@scr_013
@@scr_012: lea dx,mes3
@@scr_013: int 21h
lea dx,mes3
mov al,byte ptr es:[bp]
cmp al,0E5h
jne @@scr_014
lea dx,mes4
@@scr_014: int 21h
pop dx
@@scr_017: inc dh
add bp,20h
pop cx
loop @@scr_010
@@scr_020: call clearpointer
call setpointer
@@scr_030: xor ah,ah
int 16h
cmp ah,1 ; Esc
jne @@scr_040
jmp @@scr_exit
@@scr_040: cmp ah,81 ; PgDn
jne @@scr_050
mov eax,startdata
dec eax
cmp eax,rootsector
jbe @@scr_030
inc dword ptr rootsector
jmp @@scr_000
@@scr_050: cmp ah,73 ; PgUp
jne @@scr_060
mov eax,startroot
cmp eax,rootsector
jae @@scr_030
dec dword ptr rootsector
jmp @@scr_000
@@scr_060: cmp ah,80 ; Down
jne @@scr_070
mov ax,rootpersect
cmp al,ycur
jbe @@scr_030
inc byte ptr ycur
jmp @@scr_020
@@scr_070: cmp ah,72 ; Up
jne @@scr_080
mov ax,1 ; !!!!!!!!!!! May be changed !!!!!!!
cmp al,ycur
jae @@scr_030
dec byte ptr ycur
jmp @@scr_020
@@scr_080: cmp ah,28 ; Enter
jne @@scr_030
lea bx,buffer1 ; Prepare data for unerase
mov al,ycur
dec al
xor ah,ah
mov cx,32
mul cx
add bx,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx]
cmp al,0E5h
jne @@scr_100
mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx+0bh]
mov fileatrib,al ; Atributes of the file
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+1ah] ; Starting cluster
mov startclust,ax
mov ax,sectorsize ; Calculating file size in
; clusters
mov cx,clustsize
mul cx
mov cx,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+1ch]
mov dx,word ptr ds:[bx+1eh]
div cx
cmp dx,0
je @@scr_090
inc ax
@@scr_090: mov filesize,ax
mov rootentry,bx
xor ax,ax
@@scr_exit: mov ax,1
; SubDir
@@scr_100: mov al,byte ptr ds:[bx+0bh] ; Attribute
test al,10h
jne @@scr_110
jmp @@scr_030
@@scr_110: mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+1ah]
cmp ax,0
je @@scr_120
; SubDir cluster
sub ax,2 ; ?????????????
mov cx,clustsize
mul cx
mov cl,16
shl edx,cl
or eax,edx
add eax,startdata
mov startroot,eax
mov rootsector,eax
xor edx,edx
mov dx,clustsize
add eax,edx
dec eax
mov endroot,eax
jmp @@scr_000
xor eax,eax
mov ax,lengthfat ; Calculating the begin
; sector of the ROOT
mov cl,fatcnt
xor ch,ch
mul cx
add ax,startfat
mov startroot,eax
mov rootsector,eax
mov ax,lengthroot ; Calculating the ending root's sector
mov cx,32
mul cx
mov cx,sectorsize
div cx
cmp dx,0
je @@scr_130
inc ax
@@scr_130: mov endroot,eax
jmp @@scr_000
clearpointer PROC C NEAR ; Local procedure for clear screen
; pointers
USES ax,bx,cx,dx
mov cx,rootpersect
@@clear_010: push cx
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,cl
mov dl,0 ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int 10h
mov ah,9
mov al,' '
mov bx,7
mov cx,1
int 10h
pop cx
push cx
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,cl
mov dl,12 ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int 10h
mov ah,9
mov al,' '
mov bx,7
mov cx,1
int 10h
pop cx
loop @@clear_010
clearpointer ENDP
setpointer PROC C NEAR ; Local procedure for set screen
; pointer
USES ax,bx,cx,dx
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,ycur
mov dl,0 ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int 10h
mov ah,9
xor bh,bh
mov al,'>'
mov cx,1
mov bl,7
int 10h
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,ycur
mov dl,12 ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int 10h
mov ah,9
xor bh,bh
mov al,'<'
mov cx,1
mov bl,7
int 10h
setpointer ENDP
screenmenu ENDP
enterchar PROC C NEAR
USES ax,dx
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,23
mov dl,1
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes5
int 21h
xor ah,ah
int 16h
cmp al,97
jb @@enter_020
cmp al,122
ja @@enter_020
@@enter_010: sub al,32
jmp short @@enter_040
@@enter_020: cmp al,160
jb @@enter_030
cmp al,175
jbe @@enter_010
@@enter_030: cmp al,224
jb @@enter_040
cmp al,239
ja @@enter_040
sub al,96
@@enter_040: mov firstchar,al
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,23
mov dl,1
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes8
int 21h
enterchar ENDP
message PROC C NEAR
USES ax,bx,dx
cmp ax,-1
je @@mess_010
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,23
mov dl,1
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes6
int 21h
jmp short @@mess_exit
@@mess_010: mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,23
mov dl,1
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes7
int 21h
@@mess_exit: xor ah,ah
int 16h
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,23
mov dl,1
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes8
int 21h
message ENDP
getdrive PROC C NEAR
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,11
mov dl,28
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes9
int 21h
@@drv_010: xor ah,ah
int 16h
cmp al,65
jb @@drv_010
cmp al,90
ja @@drv_020
sub al,65
xor ah,ah
jmp short @@drv_030
@@drv_020: cmp al,97
jb @@drv_010
cmp al,122
ja @@drv_010
sub al,97
xor ah,ah
@@drv_030: mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
mov dh,11
mov dl,28
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,mes8
int 21h
getdrive ENDP